Sunday, July 10, 2011

"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home" - James Michener

Well james, I couldn't agree with you more.  It is true, if you don't fully imbrace the culture that surrounds you then what was the point in sumerging yourself in it in the first place?  Well me and my good friend David, who also happens to be my cousin, have succesfully completed the 37 hour flight and arrived in Chennai, India and oh the many experiences did we gain along the way.

So I met dave in chicago, we embraced like men, reminised a bit about our prior family travels and then headed on our way to Frankfurt Germany.  Before boarding, security had what they called "random bag checks" which is ironic becuase everyone knows its not random and they just pick the most suspicious, grizzly, most-likely-to-be-a-terriorist sort of people.  So dave, the sleek, smooth talkin gentleman that he is, nonchalantly walks by and security dosen't bat an eye.  Then I walk by, give them what I thought was an innocent smile and they pull me aside.  That happened a total of three times in three different countries.

When we arrive in Germany and get to our gate to receive our boarding passes david pulls off a stunt that I would say is even remarkable for a man such as him self.  He'll say it's luck.  But I tell you its pure talent.  I honestly don't know what he said to the mean german lady at the front desk but he some how managed to sweet talk her into letting him ride first class.  Where was I you might ask?  I what was in coach. And to make matters even better i had a four year old indian boy sitting behind jabbering in hindi and kicking the back of my seat the entire time.  It was a beautiful flight.  I learned a great deal about human patience and surprisingly managed to sneek in a few hours of sleep while David dreamed away on a goarged belly in first class.

Our adventure truly began when our taxi driver arrived to take us from the hotel to the air port.  His name was Domingo.  The man is a father of two boys. He has a good heart.  He has good intensions. He is also the worst driver to ever get behind the wheel.  Here are his statistics:
-staled the car entering the freeway
-ran 4 red lights
-nearly killed a pedestrian (he only missed him because he drifted left while texting)
-cut off a dozen cars
-received enough honks to satisfy New York City
-got us to the hotel in one piece

Well its three o clock so i'm gonna crash.

Night everyone

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!! Oh nels, I love your descriptive telling of this story. Can't wait to read more!!!
