India puzzled me. I can't say I was perfectly happy before my venture over, I'd like to meet the teenage boy that claims he is perfectly happy. However, I was certain that I was going to be happier than these people. I was most certainly wrong...
The people in the leper colonies of India, as well as the kids in the orphanage, have no possession, and no social standing. Those in the colonies do not have full possession of their body, with the loss of fingers, hands, feet, and legs all together. They have no knowledge of how life is outisde the colony. They are shunned by their own people and carry the label as outcast, taboos. But with all this lack they manage to gain something that one can only pursue, in hopes of finding. What they have gained is peace, harmony, happiness and true love. I molded this observation over in my mind for the longest time. Nothing seemed to add up. We're taught from the media and society that "happiness" is found in fame, fortune, possession, and social standing. I will confess that I was becoming a victim of that illusion. Now, however, I see that the media and society are mistaken. Oh yes, im going deep people. Brace yourselves.
My thoughts are that happiness is found in simplicity and that there are two types of love. There is the hollywood-firework-hot-pink-love that seems to be so heavily pursued and engrained as a necessity in the young minds of society. You see it in all the movies and ridiculous celebrity magazines. According to the grid, these people should be the happiest people in the world. Their love life and relationships should be true and unshaken. Im not one to judge but it sure doesn't come across that way. For the record, most of these hot numbers on television and in the magazines seem to be the most confussed, messed up, unhappy people on the planet.
Then there are the diseased people in the leper colonies of India, as well as the children of the orphanage, who have not been corrupted by the 21 century press and media. The love they have is unlike anyother. Their love is pure, raw, and organic. It could be best described as an "I've-got-your-back-love", a love that is so overlooked and so underrated. The people of Chennai, India have taken up this love for their living. I believe it is through this, "I've-got-your-back-love" that they have managed to obtain complete peace, harmony and happiness despite all their civil lacking. We can only follow their humble example.
Don't get me wrong, i've met many people in my life such as those in India, who are just has happy and loving. I was speaking for the world as a whole and mostly for my fellow teens. All I ask is that we stop trying to synthesize love with needless posseion and social standing. Instead, I ask that we as humanity, try to create genuine "I've-got-your-back-love" through the simple practice of sharing it. It's a give and take relationship. A two way street. Try it. Love.
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